Our Team

Welcome to our Team page. At iGuana we believe that business is first and foremost about people, not about products and services that a company offers. We think it is important that whenever you pick up the phone to talk to us, send us an e-mail, or meet with us in person for the first time, you know right away whom you are talking to and are able to put a face to a name. Any one of us is readily available to assist you! Our employees represent the spirit of iGuana: committed, driven, dedicated, innovative, fun. They bring out-of-the-box ideas, great energy, passion and pride to their work. We go to great lengths to identify and nurture their talents and to create an environment where creativity is encouraged and where their skills can shine bright. iGuana is part of the Youston group of companies.

Pieter Vansynghel

Jef Vandecruys
General Manager

Stephane Horta

Wim Vanoeveren

Cynthia Loontiens
HR Lead

Filiep Degryse
Operations Manager

Sales & Customer Account Management

Christian Coolen
Director of Sales

David Cacciato
Sales Account Manager

Ariane Willemse
Sales Account Manager

Frederic Ulens
Sales Account Manager

Departmental Contacts

Dionysios Dionysiou
Software Development

Ilse Lismont
Operations & Consulting

Shqiponja Bendo
Scanning Operations

Daria Mavrenkova
Marketing & Communications

Stijn Buys
Customer Service & Support

Leen Vandendriessche
Administration & Prevention

Yves Vanderhaeghen
Solution Design (Hardware)

Valerie Cornelissen
International Tender Desk